Overseas Programmes


Over 37% of women put off their cervical screening

Results of recent surveys in the UK show that 60% of women find cervical screening tests embarrassing and over 37% put off going because they were uncomfortable, fearful or painful. Unfortunately, screening is not available in many underdeveloped countries, and we are doing our best to contribute to our objective in several countries.

Girl from Nepal

Women should not die from embarrassment

or any other reason anywhere in the world.

Eliminating cervical cancer overseas

Through strategic partnerships, the elimination of cervical cancer in countries such as Nepal, Bhutan, Vanuatu, and Vietnam should be possible.

We know that if caught early, cervical cancer is treatable and avoidable.

To make that a reality, we have extended our vision and activities to our neighbours in some of these countries - to save lives.

How we are helping and Saving Lives in Nepal

We're partnering with NACCF (Nepal Australian Cervical Cancer) which since 2007 has vaccinated over 31,000 girls. As well as screening and treating thousands of women.

Sadly, most women in Nepal have never had cervical screening. What's more, many have never been seen by a doctor. Shockingly, the rates of cervical abnormalities are 20 to 30 times more than in the UK.

Many lives can be saved for a small amount of money, as little as the cost of a coffee and a cake.

In 2008, this Himalayan country with a population of 30 million, was the first country that ACCF, also one of our partners, started working with.

By 2009, NACCF had been established by ACCF as a local NGO to help facilitate these programmes at a local level and working with government and non-government organisations to educate communities on the benefits of vaccination and screening and we are helping to fund these activities.

We support the NACCF, through our Memorandum of Understanding and our CEO has been appointed an Advisor.

This important work is done in NACCF's Women's Clinic located in Banepa, one hour from Kathmandu. Banepa is used as a base for mobile vaccination and screening camps. It also provides a space for nurses and health professionals to be trained.

We have now helped NACCF to train over 400 doctors and nurses to carry out VIA (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid) which allows a sustainable single visit approach to screening and treatment of cervical abnormalities.

Want to get in touch?

Visit our contact page to find out all of the details needed to get in touch.

Unrivalled Commitment

As a healthcare professional specializing in women's health, I've collaborated with UK Cervical Cancer on numerous
occasions. Their commitment to early detection, patient care, and community outreach is unmatched.

David Patel