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What every woman should know about cervical cancer

It is the fourth most common cancer among women. And yet …

… over 99% of cervical cancer deaths are preventable.

Girl From Phillipines Slum

What do we do?

With vaccinations against HPV, cervical screening and modern treatment, cervical cancer should be consigned to the history books. Every woman should have the chance to protect herself, regardless of where she lives.

Our work delivers programmes both in the UK and globally. Our mission; to aid the global elimination of cervical cancer.

In the UK, as you will see in the following sections, we raise awareness and endeavour to directly and indirectly approach youngers at schools and other organisation, encouraging them to be Vaccinated and those with a cervix to participate in screening.

Why overseas programmes matter

Over 90% of all deaths from cervical cancer happen in less wealthy countries.

In Nepal, there is poor access to healthcare. Most Nepalese women have never had cervical screening. Astonishingly, many have never been seen by a doctor.

Sadly, in Nepal, cervical abnormality rates are 20 to 30 times higher than in the UK.

Coffee and Cake

We know that partnering with organisations such as ACCF saves lives and suffering in Nepal and Bhutan a life can be saved at the cost of a coffee and cake.

Life-Changing Support and Prevention Initiatives!

Their proactive education on prevention, is truly commendable. Through their efforts, they're not only saving lives but also
shaping a future free from the threat of cervical cancer. Join me in supporting their mission.

Emily Watson

Senior Nurse