Terms of Use

These are the conditions under which you make use of our website. You may use the site as a guest or as a registered user. Please read these terms and if you do not agree to them and their use you must not use our site. We may revise these terms so you should return to this page to check for any changes which may affect you.

These terms of use refer to additional documents which may be relevant including our Privacy Policy, an acceptable use policy and a cookie policy.

About Us

UK Cervical Cancer Limited (“we”) is a charitable company registered in England and Wales (no. 10524587) and has is registered by the Charity Commission (Registered Charity Number 1178085) and registered office at: Bankside 300, Peachman Way, Broadland Business Park, Norwich NR7 0LB

We are a company limited by guarantee.

We do not guarantee that the website and facilities will always be available or uninterrupted. Access is permitted on a temporary basis as we may suspend, discontinue or change any part of the site without notice to you.

Your Use of the Website and Responsibility

You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary for you to have access to our website and its services.

You are responsible for ensuring that all persons who access our site are aware of these terms and that children or vulnerable persons do not use any part of the site without your guidance or supervision.

This site is directed to people anywhere but only if those people accept that content and rights are limited to the laws of England and to the jurisdictions of its courts. The content is not suitable or useable by persons outside the United Kingdom. We may limit the availability of parts of our site to people in some jurisdictions or locations.

Your Account and Password

If we make available and you choose to use a user identification number, password or other identification you must treat such password information as confidential and not disclose it. By agreeing to use a password for access to parts of our site you agree that we may retain and use personal information which you provide subject to our Privacy Policy. Any user identification code may be disabled by you or by request to us. If you know or suspect that anyone is misusing the site via your password, you must notify us.

Intellectual Property

The intellectual property rights in our website and the material published on the site is our property and any other licensor of any provided copyright works or services. Other parts of the site are protected by copyright laws and treaties in all parts of the world and all intellectual property rights are reserved. You may print a copy of the site or download extracts but only for your personal use and you may draw others attention to parts of the site on these terms. The website and any copies or artwork either on the site or downloaded from it must not be modified by any means by you. Any material taken from the site with or without our consent must be acknowledged as sources from us. You must not use any part of the content of our site for any commercial purposes without obtaining a licence from us. Any material removed from the site must be returned to us and any copies destroyed.

Risks of Using the Internet

Your use of this website and material within it is undertaken at your own personal risk and to the extent permitted by law we exclude and disclaim all rights to compensation or property arising from any conditions warranties representations and other terms however expressed or implied. Similarly, we disclaim and will not be liable to any user for any loss or damage in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise whether foreseeable arising under or connection with your use of the site and its content. In the event that UK Cervical Cancer is liable in any context we expressly limit damages to the cost of any service which is denied, and we disclaim any responsibility to any business or other user for loss of profits, loss of savings or anticipatory or consequential losses or damage. Different limitations and exclusions of liability may apply in relation to the supply of goods or services in other parts of this web site.

You are responsible for maintaining your computer, a virus protection software service and you are warned that the internet is subject to attacks of various kinds which may cause loss and damage to you and your equipment. In the course of using this site you may be subject to terms and conditions of use including privacy terms such as will arise from the use of social media services. Please see our Privacy Policy in relation to those conditions.

Uploading Content

Whenever you make use of a feature that allows you to upload content or enter content you must comply with the acceptable use policy. You warrant that any contribution does comply with those standards and you indemnify us for any liability or damage to ask or to any other user from any material submitted. Any content you upload would be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. You retain ownership rights in your content but you Grant us a limited licence to use store and copy that content to third parties. Posting content to our website does not relieve you from any liability to any third party owner or licensee of licence or of that material. You will be responsible or liable to any third party. We do not offer any storage service and any content posted by you may be deleted from storage without notice to you. Content posted by you to our website is posted on a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty free licence for us to use, distribute, prepare derivative works from and display in connection with the services provided by this website we may also use the content to promote the site or the service that

You must not misuse our website by introducing damaging software of any kind. Any suspected criminal use of our website or damage to our property will be reported to enforcement authorities with whom we will co-operate to identify and prosecute wrong doers. We also Reserve our rights to hold you liable for damages caused by any such event.

You may link to our website’s homepage provided you do so in a way which is fair and legal and does not cause damage to our reputation or the website’s operation. Any link must not create any appearance of endorsement association or approval by us of you. You must not establish or share any link to any site which is not owned by you. We may withdraw linking permission without notice and any linked site must comply with our acceptable use policy.

If you have any questions about these terms please contact us at the above address or by email or telephones, see our Privacy Policy.